ANGC Disclaimer

This Website and the data, devices and material contained in it (this ‘Webpage’) are not coordinated to or expected for dissemination to or use by, any individual or element who is a resident or occupant of or situated in any ward where such dispersion, distribution, accessibility or utilisation would be in opposition to law or guideline or which would subject ANGC or its members (altogether termed as ‘ANGC’) to any enlistment or permitting necessity inside such locale.

This Site is dependent upon intermittent updates and amendments. Materials ought to just be viewed as current as of the date of introductory distribution showing up subsequently, regardless of the date on which you might get to the data. ANGC keeps up with the option to erase or alter data on this Site without earlier notification.

Any past monetary execution should not to be taken as a sign or assurance of future execution, and no such portrayal or guarantee, express or suggested is made in regards to future execution.

Restricted License:

Dependent upon the agreements set out in this Agreement, ANGC will give a non-select, non-adaptable, restricted right to get to this site and the materials subsequently.

You therefore concur and affirm that:

  • Admittance to this site and the data contained thus isn’t unlawful under the material laws of the locale where you are an inhabitant and from where you are getting to this site.
  • The data on this site isn't and is by no means be understood as a commercial or a public contribution of the protections of ANGC or whatever other security that might be portrayed thus.
  • No protections administrative body or comparative expert in any purview has inspected or in any capacity passed upon or supported the data on this site or the benefits of the protections that might be depicted thus and any portrayal actually might be understood as an offence under pertinent laws.
  • You will not flow duplicates of this data in any way (counting however not confined to copying and email) of the data and information on this site. You make a deal to avoid duplicating, retransmit, disperse, spread, sell, distribute, communicate or course the substance to anybody.

You consent not to:

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  • Dark any materials, including this notification, currently posted on the site.
  • Utilize the site or any substance thereof to slander, scare, bother or in any case cause annoyance or break the privileges of any individual.

ANGC approves the download of the data (‘Materials’) at this Web website (‘Site’) strictly for personal i.e. for non-business use.

This approval doesn’t exchange or duplicate the title in the Materials or is neither dependent upon the accompanying limitations:

All duplicates of the Materials are duly assented i.e. either they are downloaded, or copyrighted, or with brand names and other exclusive notification contained in the Materials;

These adjusted materials should not be repeated or showed, performed, or disseminated or in any case used for any open or business reason

You explicitly concur that ANGC will not be liable for unapproved admittance to or modification of your transmissions or information, any material or information sent or got or not sent or got, or any exchanges that went into through this site. You also explicitly concur that ANGC isn’t capable or at risk for any undermining, disparaging, revolting, hostile or illicit substance or direction of some other party or any encroachment of another's privileges, including protected innovation freedoms. Also, ANGC isn't answerable for any substance that is sent for utilising and additionally remembered for this site by any outsider.

The service providers of ANGC on no occasion will and additionally be obligated for any immediate, circuitous, corrective, coincidental, extraordinary, important harms or any harms at all including, without impediment, harms for loss of utilisation, information or benefits, emerging out of or in any capacity associated with the utilisation of execution of this site/administrations, with the deferral or powerlessness to utilize this site/benefits or related administrations, the arrangement of or inability to offer types of assistance, or for any data, items, administrations and material got through this site, or in any case emerging out of the utilisation of this site/administrations, regardless of whether dependent on the agreement, misdeed, carelessness, severe responsibility or in any case, regardless of whether ANGC or any of its providers has been already reminded of the existing or arising risks. Assuming you are disappointed with any piece of this site/administration, or with any of these terms of utilization, your sole and elite cure is to cease utilising this site/administration.

The prior is dependent upon the laws of the Republic of India and the courts in Mumbai, India will have the restrictive locale on any debate that might emerge out of the utilization of this site.

Continue provided that you acknowledge every one of the conditions counted thus above, out of your through and through freedom and assent