Startup & New Business Support

Since its inception ANGC Group is committed to render assistance to startups. by virtue of its acquired expertise in the domain company through its 360 degree assistance help startups in exploring their true potential. ANGC is uniquely positioned with startup related departments, state and privately managed incubation centers, Academic institutions for rendering startup assistance services.

Startup Recognitions

Apart from Startup India Recognition, ANGC help startups avail other recognitions like state recognition, international form recognitions

Manpower Reimbursement

The biggest cost incurred by startups is Manpower Cost. ANGC assist startups in availing reimbursement on manpower expenditure.

Startup Incentives

Incentives in form of Grant. Subsidy, Prize money, Soft-loan, Seed-funding. Interest subventions are also assisted by ANGC Group.

Tender Partnership Felicitation

Getting new business is an aspiration of all the budding entrepreneurs. ANGC assist business in qualifying for tenders by availing special routes.

Startup Funding

ANGC through its associated HNI's. Angel Investors help to start-ups through OCD route.

Rental Reimbursement

ANGC assist startups in availing rental reimbursement from state govt. in form of promotional activities.

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